



ところで、先日、UAL(ロンドン芸術大学)学長のクリス氏からエッセイの執筆を頼まれて、このHIP HOPとバックパッカー旅行から学んだざっくりした英語で、自分の制作や今度の個展のことについての短い文章を書いてみた。時間もないので以前に答えたインタビューなどから多少切り貼りしたりもしたが、今の日本のことも書いた。これはUALの大学院が年刊で出版している「Bright 6」という本に掲載される予定だという。

Drawing as signals

Hiraku Suzuki

I have been drawing since I was about 3. There used to be a lot of blueprints at my home because my father was an architect and I used to draw something like a moai on their reverse. I also spent a good chunk of my childhood excavating unknown things like earthenware fragments, minerals, and fossils in my neighborhood. When I was 10 years old, I saw a small photo of the Rosseta stone and read stories about deciphering the glyphs, which completely fascinated me. Then I wanted to become an archaeologist. 

Although now an artist my practice, including works on paper, on panel, mural, installation, frottage, live drawing, video and so on, are reference to the new possibilities of drawing  in the world today. The method I have in my mind through the act of drawing, however, is still closer to ‘excavating’ things that are hidden in here and now, than to ‘depicting’ objects/scenery/ideas in a classical way. 

Archaeology was considered a profession for artists until the 19th century. Today, now there are the vast uninterpreted fields from our past.  I can’t help thinking about the genesis of drawing which has the synchronia with the beginning of language in the human history. There are various hypotheses on it, but I think the most relevant one is the 29 lines that the upper Paleolithic people carved on common stones around 35 thousand years ago - which are thought to have been recorded the days between phases of the moon. There were 4 elements in the occurrence; the light, the transformation, the stone and the act of carving. Those carved lines might be thought of as the most primitive form of glyph or drawing - they function as the record of time past and also as the signal of the future. 

Obviously, my country Japan is facing an unprecedented crisis now, and this is no longer the local concern in Japan, nor is the issue's scope limited for the people of today. It is particularly at times like this that one starts to ask questions about the strong relationship between what we call art and humanity in a real sense.  In order to do so, we should know that the moment we call 'now' is not a dot, independent from past and future. I believe, by the act of drawing and looking at the signs that have been drawn, we can take 'now' into our own perspective, because drawing has always been the intersection of direct human circumstance and the long cosmic time since its birth, and it will continue to be. 

My exhibition 'Glyphs of the Light' at Wimbledon will consist of about 40 pieces of new drawing work and some sculptures which I am producing during this residency in London. Every work represents the intersection of my intimate relationship with phenomena taking place on my current environment at Chelsea as well as my interest in archaeology and language. Recently I have been greatly inspired by the residual images of transformation of sunbeams streaming through leaves on the road.  I hope my works to be as the creative mediator – linking subtle memories of 'signs' and 'phenomena' with the future.






もともと19世紀に入るまで、考古学はアーティストの仕事でした。そして未だに、僕たちの過去という時空間の中には解読されていない広大な領域が広がっています。僕は、人類史においてドローイングが始まった、その瞬間のことについて思いを巡らせてしまいます。それは文字の始まりとも共時性を持っていたはずです。もちろんそれらの始原については様々な仮説がありますが、僕がいま最も関心があるのは、約3万5千年前の後期旧石器人が、そこらに転がっている何の変哲もない石に刻んだ 29本の線について、繰り返す月の満ち欠けを記録したものだとする説です。ここに僕たちは4つの要素:光・変容・石・そして刻むという行為、を見出すことができます。この29本の線が最も原始的な文字、あるいはドローイングであるとするなら、それらは過去の時間の記録であると同時に、未来の時間の変容を指し示すシグナルだと言えるでしょう。


